
The must see places

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  • visite de château autour de Lyon, Mâcon, Roanne

Try luxury with the castle of Drée

Prepare to stumble upon an architectural gem dating from the 17th century, nestled in the middle of the valleys and groves of Brionnais! With an incredible view of the surrounding countryside, let yourself be seduced by its facades and French gardens, spread over nearly 10 hectares.

During the visit, you will be propelled into another time, with the possibility of visiting the entire place or the magnificent gardens. In summer, the Château de Drée offers packed lunches for picnics in the open air but also night visits, to give you shivers of pleasure!

  • tourisme château, lieu historique autour de Lyon, Mâcon, Roanne

Explore History in the castle of La Clayette

In the very heart of the city, languishing peacefully at the water's edge, the castle of La Clayette reveals its past and many secrets. From May to October, discover its exteriors and its outbuildings during the guided tours organized every Tuesday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and Thursdays at 10 a.m.

  • Circuit, Visite Art roman autour de Lyon, Mâcon, Roanne

Enter the doors of the Romanesque churches

Crossing the South of Brionnais is bound to come across many remarkable Romanesque churches and chapels. Discover this exceptional heritage and enjoy the beauty of the stones in the groves of Brionnais.

Passing through charming villages, take the time to observe the famous hedgerows and dry stone walls. Your stroll will make you discover an incredible facet of Brionnais heritage. These precious Romanesque buildings will turn your walk into an open-air picture book.

  • Visite musée Vieux métiers à tisser

Share the heritage of South Brionnais

Soak up the history of South Brionnais by visiting its various museums.

By pushing the door of the Maison des Vieux Métiers in Chatenay, enter the life of yesteryear in the Brionnais countryside. Immersed at the beginning of the century, you will discover old everyday objects. If you've always wanted to know how to operate a loom, you should go to the Weaving Museum in Chauffailles. With guided and animated tours, the world of fabrics will no longer hold any secrets for you.

  • Art Roman et balade nature autour de Lyon, Mâcon, Roanne

Catch a breath of fresh air at the top of Dun Mountain

Wonders to be earned! It is by venturing to the summit (708 m) at the top of the mountain of Dun that you will be able to benefit from one of the most beautiful points of view on the whole region. Lost in the greenery, a pretty Romanesque chapel awaits you on your arrival to reveal a breathtaking panorama.

With an impressive view over the whole of South Brionnais, also admire the Mussy-Sous-Dun viaduct. The 18 arches of this 19th century railway structure span the valleys and amaze you with their beauty.

  • Mussy sous dun 15272326848 o

Admirez la majesté du viaduc

Le viaduc de Mussy est sans doute l'un des plus importants et spectaculaires ouvrages d'art en pierre construit pour les besoins des chemins de fer au XIXème siècle.
Edifié entre 1892 et 1895, il est l'un des 10 viaducs que comptait la ligne de chemin de fer Paray-le Monial - Lozanne. Composé de 18 arches, il est long de 561 mètres et s'élève à 60 mètres de haut et fait partie des plus grands viaducs de France.

A son pied, une rivière, une aire de loisirs et une aire de pique-nique vous accueillent pour un moment convivial. Combinez loisirs et patrimoine !

  • sorties culturelles autour de Lyon, Mâcon, Roanne

Vibrate to the rhythm of the cultural seasons

What if the escape also went through culture?

Awak your curiosity and let yourself be surprised by the cultural richness of South Brionnais. Festivals, music, shows, theater, humor, all cultures are available to you ! Designed to appeal to children and adults, the cultural seasons of South Brionnais can be enjoyed in the open air or in dedicated spaces throughout the territory. Great discoveries in perspective !