
Circuit du Vieux Bourg

La Chapelle-sous-Dun - Foot

  • Crédits photo : Office de tourisme LCCB Crédits photo : Office de tourisme LCCB

Starting at the square in front of the restaurant, head towards the Bourg. Turn left at La Rue de l’Eglise. Cross the D985. Go under the railway bridge. Turn right onto the old road then immediately left. After the bend and the pond on your left you will arrive at a fork, go left. After the ascent go right. Keep straight on this lane to Dreuillien. ( Beautiful parnorama up to the mounts of the Roannais). At Dreuillien take the path on your left. After the houses turn right into the Bois de Dreuillien as far as the junction. Take the lane going down on your left.
To your right, behind the trees, is the summit of the Dun Mountain. Go down to the right and continue straight on. Discover the trout lake fed by “le Grincon”. A little further, before “Les Croix” turn left on the lane which crosses the meadows. You will arrive at “Thel”. At the junction go left , Lake Odin (200m) on the right. At “Les Granges” turn left and go up towards the “Vieux Bourg” where you can visit the Romanesque Chapel. Carry on to the next junction. Go down to the right and you will arrive back where you started.

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