
Le 16 janvier 2025 - 18h à Saint-Igny-de-Roche

Clubs de lecteurs

  • Crédits photo : BSB Crédits photo : BSB

The club looks forward to welcoming you for a friendly chat about your current reading.
This is an opportunity to remind you of the other meetings on the network: at Quai des mots Chauffailles on the 2nd Friday of each month at 2pm and at Quartier Livres La Clayette on the 1st Friday of each month at 5.30pm.
Readers' clubs are a chance to exchange ideas about reading.
They are open to everyone, no registration required, whatever your age or reading interests. You are free to come along and present and/or listen to the books that have caught your attention. And if you feel like it, you can take part in all the meetings!